
Jom Klik:Tawaran Hebat

Monday, January 31, 2011

27 Ways To Save The World! (Reuse your plastic water bottles)

Here are some great ways to keep plastic water bottles out of the landfill. You will also find some facts below on the subject.

  1. Refill with filtered water from your fridge door. You’ll always have water to go.
  2. Refill with any beverage you make in bulk and you’ll always have individual servings in the fridge. Easy and safer for kids to get handle. Plus, you’ll always have your favorite drink on the go when needed.
  3. Use them to mix your powder protein/vitamin supplements.
  4. Use to mix powder salad dressing and your can use right from the bottle. Great for picnics!
  5. Use them to store and freeze sauces/soups/broth. Better than plastic bags.
  6. Fill with water and freeze. Use them in your cooler instead of ice bags. They won’t get everything wet! Makes cleaning the cooler out an easier task.
  7. Poke a few small holes in the top edge of one, fill with water and use it to water small plants in your home or office. Whalla, mini watering jug!
  8. Make little bird feeder. Make several. Hang with fishing line or durable string from your trees or porch.
  9. Make a nifty squirrel feeder. Cut off the bottoms of three or more water bottles.
  10. Poke a few small holes around the top edge for drainage. Nail or screw the caps to a scrap piece of wood. Screw the bottles onto the caps. Fill each bottle with tasty treats like corn and sunflower seeds. Secure in a tree, mount on a pole or attach rope and hang.
  11. Use them to hold small items nails and screws. Nail or screw caps to a scrap wood board, fill with nuts, bolts, etc. and mount above your worktable. They are safer than using glass jars.
  12. Use them to store beads and jewels for beading and crafting.
  13. Cut off the top and use it for a small funnel.
  14. Cut off the bottom and use it for a pencil holder.
  15. Cut off the bottom and use it for a paper clip or rubber band holder.
  16. Cut off the bottom and use it for a seed starter.
  17. Cut the bottom off and use as a paint cup.
  18. Soak your paintbrushes in them.
  19. Make a terrarium. Ad soil, then seeds, then a little more soil, water through the cap opening and watch it grow! Great for kids!
  20. Use them as flower vases. You can decorate them if you like.
  21. Have the kids make a mobile. Fill the bottles with ribbon, glitter, whatever you can think of or decorate the outside of the bottles. Use sticks, dowels or hangers and string to assemble.
  22. Cut a slot to below the cap to insert your change and use as a “bottle bank”.
  23. Call your local schools and see if the art dept, science dept or horticulture dept can use them.
  24. Slug problems? Fill a water bottle with beer (preferable the cheap stuff) and bury it in the ground in your problem area. Bury it up to the top of the screw on part of the bottle opening. The beer will attract the slugs into the bottle and they can’t get back out. Or cut the bottom off and bury up to the edge and place in problem areas.
  25. Fill them with a handful of small stones and use them as noisemakers for sports games or other events. The glass beads you get in flower arrangements are great for this.
  26. Make a beach in a bottle. Add sand, a few small shells, a plastic fish or two and water and put the cap on.
27. Make “message in a bottle” invitations to an event. You can add confetti or other miniatures to coordinate with your event. To mail via U.S. Mail you must place them in a mailing box first. Save money and trees by hand delivering without the box.

1 comment:

ChAzStYlo said...

selamatkan dunia kita

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