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Monday, January 31, 2011

Top Benefits of Stopping Smoking

Although many benefits from stopping smoking occur immediately it is those that occur gradually that have the greatest impact. However stopping smoking is never easy but understanding the benefits can be a motivating force to remain smoke free.
There is no denying that smoking is a major health hazard to both those that smoke and also to those that breathe in a smokers second hand smoke. That being said there is a vast variety of benefits that come from stopping smoking and while some of these are visible immediately the others which are gradual are the ones that have the greatest impact on a smoker's health.

The immediate effects of stopping smoking include having fresher breath, hair and clothing no longer smelling of stale smoke, fingers and fingernails no longer stained by cigarette smoke and the return of a smoker's sense of smell and taste.

Other immediate benefits from stopping smoking include the substantial increase you will see in your bank balance. Smoking is an expensive habit and if you were to calculate what you spend on cigarettes on a annual basis then you would probably be surprised and the savings from not smoking could be huge.

No longer having to live your life around your nicotine addiction only becomes apparent once you reach the point were you feel just as comfortable without smoking a cigarette as a non-smoker as you did as a smoker smoking cigarettes. You know longer have to stand around outside in all types of weather to smoke a cigarette or fear or feel uncomfortable in situations were you cannot smoke.

The ultimate benefit from giving up smoking cigarettes will however be will be the long term health benefits that occur once you stop smoking. These benefits are not always visible as they happen internally but any smoker how does stop smoking will see a marked improvement in their overall health. The moment you stop smoking cigarettes you're body begins the process of repairing itself of the damage down due to smoking and over time life expectancy and quality of life increase.

However, despite all the benefits which result from giving up smoking and despite the fact that each and every long term smoker knows that smoking can lead to cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease many smokers still continue to smoke and the reason is nicotine addiction.

Nicotine addiction is considered one of the most difficult addictions to overcome and once a smoker stops smoking they experience withdrawal symptoms . These withdrawal symptoms and the cravings for nicotine usually result in many smokers returning to full time smoking within only a matter of hours or days after stopping smoking.

If you do give up smoking cigarettes only to quickly return to smoking then don't lose hope. Most smokers who quit smoking cigarettes will need to try again and again, so keep trying until you finally stop smoking for good. 

To learn the best way to stop smoking and quit smoking cold turkey the way over 80% of smokers stop smoking.

Pemakanan Anti Kanser

Mendengar tentang (CANCER) ia tentu membuatkan rasa, Betul tak? Bagaimanapun , adakah anda tahu cara termudah untuk menghalang atau sebahagian besarnya meminimumkan risiko kanser ialah dengan mempunyai makanan antikanser pada satu asas harian. Pada asasnya kesihatan ini mempertingkatkan makanan mengandungi bahan kimia atau sebatian-sebatian dikenali sebagai fitokimia yang boleh main satu peranan yang amat penting dalam mencegah ketumbuhan berbarah. Tak hairanlah, makanan ini yang penuh sesak dengan fitokimia mempamerkan kebolehan-kebolehan berlawan kanser mengagumkan. 

Senarai Makanan Antikanser 

Berikut merupakan eberapa makanan paling berkesan yang boleh melawan kanser:

Jeruk merupakan sumber yang kaya vitamin C, sebuah fitokimia terkenal. Dengan demikian, tidak salah untuk mengatakan bahawa makan jeruk dapat mengelak daripada kanser . pesakit kanser payudara juga disarankan untuk makan jeruk seperti yang kaya limonoid (belum fitokimia lain) yang juga menunjukkan sifat anti-kanser. Seperti disebutkan di atas, buah seperti strawberi, cranberry, Acai berries dan blueberry juga mengandungi fitokimia dalam jumlah yang cukup. Penyelidikan telah menunjukkan bahawa blueberry membantu mengurangkan saiz tumor kanser. Dalam kajian lain, didapati bahawa berry boleh menyekat sel kanser usus besar daripada bertambah banyak dan tersebar ke jaringan di dekatnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa buah, khususnya blueberry bertindak sebagai agen anti-kanser yang sangat baik dan boleh memainkan peranan penting untuk melindungi tubuh dari kanser usus besar.

Sayuran yang meliputi bayam, tomato, kembang kol, kubis dan brokoli serta sayur-sayuran seperti kecambah brussels juga dalam senarai makanan anti-kanser. sayuran ini dapat membantu menjaga kesihatan yang baik, memberikan sifat anti-inflamasi dan juga merupakan sumber antioksidan yang baik yang menunjukkan aktiviti anti-kanser. Wortel dan brokoli mengandungi pelbagai melawan kanser sebatian yang membantu untuk mengecilkan saiz tumor. Memang, sayur-sayuran ini bertindak sebagai senjata ampuh untuk mencegah dan mengurangkan kemungkinan pertumbuhan kanser. Penyelidikan bahkan menyarankan bahawa brokoli dikukus atau mentah termasuk dalam makanan boleh membalikkan kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh sel-sel kanser.

Herbal seperti bawang putih boleh pergi jauh dalam mencegah kanser. Senarai makanan Anti-kanser tentu tidak lengkap tanpa menyebutkan bawang putih di dalamnya. Pelbagai kajian telah mendedahkan bahawa bawang putih tidak dimiliki sifat anti-kanser dan sangat berkesan untuk menyekat kanser. Kajian telah menemui hubungan antara bawang putih dan pencegahan kanser. Bahan utama dalam bawang putih, belerang sekutu menunjukkan kemampuan anti-kanser dan dapat berperanan dalam menjaga kanser perut dan prostat di cek. Walaupun penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan, kajian awal menunjukkan bahawa ia dapat menurunkan kemungkinan perkembangan kanser. Ramuan Kunyit yang biasa ditambah ke kari yang telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk menghancurkan sel-sel kanser. 

Kacang Brazil
kacang Brazil juga boleh menyumbang untuk menjauhi kanser . Bahan aktif kacang Brazil selenium yang terbukti merupakan ubat anti-kanser yang berkesan. Kesan anti-kanser selenium membuat kacang Brazil sebagai salah satu makanan anti kanser terbaik. Pesakit boleh makan kacang Brazil (di moderasi) untuk melambatkan perkembangan kanser.

Makan kaya Gandum

makanan kaya gandum akan menghasilkan antioksidan dan mineral selenium dan kerana itu secara substansial dapat mengurangkan kemungkinan jatuh korban kanser usus dan payudara. Dengan demikian, makanan gandum seperti oatmeal, roti gandum, beras merah dan bijirin gandum sarapan perlu ditambah dalam diet anti-kanser untuk menurunkan risiko kanser.

Diet Anti-Kanser

Peraturan umum yang praktikal dalam makanan yang dianggap sihat bila rendah lemak. Diet Anti-kanser tidak berbeza daripada diet yang sihat. Untuk menjadi bahan makanan yang tepat, tinggi lemak tepu seperti junk food (hamburger, donat), makanan yang digoreng (kentang goreng, hot dog) dan makanan olahan (kerepek, kuih) tidak punya tempat dalam makanan anti-kanser. diet kemoterapi Kanser juga melibatkan banyak makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Kajian terbaru juga menunjukkan bahawa pola pemakanan vegetarian mengurangkan peluang mereka untuk mendapatkan semua jenis kanser. Jadi, mengurangkan pengambilan daging (mengelakkan daging merah) dan memilih potongan ramping daging, bekerja untuk 'mengurangkan risiko kanser. Secara keseluruhan, diet tinggi protein dan rendah lemak meningkatkan kekebalan dan menjaga kesihatan dalam keadaan baik. Elakkan penggunaan minyak goreng, pengikut diet anti kanser menganjurkan minyak zaitun kerana ia merupakan sumber yang baik omega 3 asid lemak esensial (lemak sihat).

Tidak ada keraguan bahawa kanser adalah penyakit yang ditakuti tetapi ia masih dicegah dengan mudah. Semua satu harus dilakukan dengan mengikuti diet sihat seimbang tinggi dalam sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan yang disebutkan di atas. Namun, dengan pemakanan anti-kanser tidak akan berfungsi melainkan menghilangkan kebiasaan buruk seperti merokok dan alkoholisme untuk melengkapkan rawatan kanser. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa asap dari rokok membawa karsinogen, yang mencemari darah dan meningkatkan risiko kanser paru-paru. Secara keseluruhan, memimpin gaya hidup yang bebas daripada kanser bererti menumpukan pada makanan sihat, tetap aktif secara fizikal dan berpantang dari merokok.

27 Ways To Save The World! (Reuse your plastic water bottles)

Here are some great ways to keep plastic water bottles out of the landfill. You will also find some facts below on the subject.

  1. Refill with filtered water from your fridge door. You’ll always have water to go.
  2. Refill with any beverage you make in bulk and you’ll always have individual servings in the fridge. Easy and safer for kids to get handle. Plus, you’ll always have your favorite drink on the go when needed.
  3. Use them to mix your powder protein/vitamin supplements.
  4. Use to mix powder salad dressing and your can use right from the bottle. Great for picnics!
  5. Use them to store and freeze sauces/soups/broth. Better than plastic bags.
  6. Fill with water and freeze. Use them in your cooler instead of ice bags. They won’t get everything wet! Makes cleaning the cooler out an easier task.
  7. Poke a few small holes in the top edge of one, fill with water and use it to water small plants in your home or office. Whalla, mini watering jug!
  8. Make little bird feeder. Make several. Hang with fishing line or durable string from your trees or porch.
  9. Make a nifty squirrel feeder. Cut off the bottoms of three or more water bottles.
  10. Poke a few small holes around the top edge for drainage. Nail or screw the caps to a scrap piece of wood. Screw the bottles onto the caps. Fill each bottle with tasty treats like corn and sunflower seeds. Secure in a tree, mount on a pole or attach rope and hang.
  11. Use them to hold small items nails and screws. Nail or screw caps to a scrap wood board, fill with nuts, bolts, etc. and mount above your worktable. They are safer than using glass jars.
  12. Use them to store beads and jewels for beading and crafting.
  13. Cut off the top and use it for a small funnel.
  14. Cut off the bottom and use it for a pencil holder.
  15. Cut off the bottom and use it for a paper clip or rubber band holder.
  16. Cut off the bottom and use it for a seed starter.
  17. Cut the bottom off and use as a paint cup.
  18. Soak your paintbrushes in them.
  19. Make a terrarium. Ad soil, then seeds, then a little more soil, water through the cap opening and watch it grow! Great for kids!
  20. Use them as flower vases. You can decorate them if you like.
  21. Have the kids make a mobile. Fill the bottles with ribbon, glitter, whatever you can think of or decorate the outside of the bottles. Use sticks, dowels or hangers and string to assemble.
  22. Cut a slot to below the cap to insert your change and use as a “bottle bank”.
  23. Call your local schools and see if the art dept, science dept or horticulture dept can use them.
  24. Slug problems? Fill a water bottle with beer (preferable the cheap stuff) and bury it in the ground in your problem area. Bury it up to the top of the screw on part of the bottle opening. The beer will attract the slugs into the bottle and they can’t get back out. Or cut the bottom off and bury up to the edge and place in problem areas.
  25. Fill them with a handful of small stones and use them as noisemakers for sports games or other events. The glass beads you get in flower arrangements are great for this.
  26. Make a beach in a bottle. Add sand, a few small shells, a plastic fish or two and water and put the cap on.
27. Make “message in a bottle” invitations to an event. You can add confetti or other miniatures to coordinate with your event. To mail via U.S. Mail you must place them in a mailing box first. Save money and trees by hand delivering without the box.

Living a healthy lifestyle

It’s important that people start investing in their future health now.
It’s sad that heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis are robbing so many of the joys that life can bring.
Often, sufferers wished they had protected their health a whole lot better. Given the chance to wind back the clock, they would certainly have lived life differently.
For the rest of us who still have our health, we would do well to be more mindful and to invest in a lifestyle that ensures long-term health.
Let’s start by watching our diet. Below are relevant recommendations and tips from the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010.

Go low fat
Limit intake of food high in fats and minimise fats and oils in food preparation.
·Minimise intake of deep-fried foods and organ meat.
·Limit cholesterol-raising coconut oil, santan, ghee and butter, as well as margarines and shortening made from hydrogenated fats.
·Cut back on dishes that use excessive oils and fats (e.g. fried rice, nasi minyak and sambal tumis).
Less sweet
Consume food and beverages low in sugar.
·Cut down on products that have sugar at the top of their ingredient list.
·Replace sweet desserts with healthier options like fruits.
·Choose plain water rather than soft drinks, syrup or cordial.
·Ask for “less sweet” or kurang manis when ordering beverages.
Less salty
Choose and prepare food with less salt and sauces.
·Use natural herbs and condiments (like garlic, onion, curry powder, pepper, lemongrass, vinegar and lemon) to flavour food.
·Choose products labelled as having less salt/sodium.
·If you are already using salty sauces and flavouring condiments (e.g. monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, belacancincaluk), do not add any more salt.
·Reduce intake of salty foods such as salted fish, salted egg, salted vegetables and high- sodium snacks. 
Most food with fibre contain antioxidants that help protect against diseases.
·Eat wholegrain or wholemeal products (fortified breakfast cereals, brown rice or whole-wheat spaghetti) at every meal.
·Add beans, barley, oats or lentils to your cooking and baking.
Fruit & veggies
Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that help lower the risks of certain diseases
·Eat three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits every day.
·Take fruits with edible peel or edible seeds (guava, pears, apples, prunes and berries) as these are high in fibre.
·Have different coloured fruits and vegetables each time.
Milk and milk products are essential for maintaining healthy bones.
·Consume milk and milk products every day.
·Add milk to beverages and breakfast cereals.
·Increase your calcium intake with sardines, ikan bilis and high-calcium vegetables like broccoli, and green and french beans.
Health calls for a total lifestyle concept. So, besides eating right, you’d do well to exercise every day. While you’re at it, why not try quitting the cigarettes and alcohol, too? Your body will thank you for it.
Diseases to watch for
Heart disease and stroke are the No 1 killer disease in Malaysia.
The disease occurs when fatty plaques clog up the arteries and cut off blood flow to the heart or brain. It is estimated that one in every four adult Malaysians die from a heart attack or stroke, succumbing to the combined fatal effects of high cholesterol, a blood clot-forming tendency in the bloodstream, stress and hypertension.
Most people with high blood pressure usually do not experience any symptoms. If untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack or kidney failure. As many as three in every 10 adult Malaysians may have high blood pressure.
Characterised by persistently high blood glucose levels, diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage and gangrene of the foot, resulting in leg amputation.
About one in every 10 adult Malaysians may be afflicted with diabetes. It is believed to afflict one in every four people in the 50-64 age group.
Cancer is the No 2 cause of death globally. Nearly 70,000 new cancer cases were diagnosed among Malaysians in Peninsular Malaysia between 2003 and 2005, according to a report published by the National Cancer Registry. In Malaysia, breast and colorectal cancers are most common in women and men, respectively.
Osteoporosis robs bone of its density, quality and strength, often resulting in fractures at the hip, wrist and spine. Over one million Malaysians may be at risk of osteoporosis, 80% of which are women. It is estimated that one in three women over the age of 55 suffers from osteoporosis.
This article is courtesy of Nutrition Society of Malaysia, supported by NestlĂ© Products Sdn Bhd. For further information, or contact NestlĂ© Products Sdn Bhd at Free-Phone1 800 88 3433 or
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